First day I have not written since I started writing again. I would say this is a bad thing, but it's really not. Every once in a while I simply take a day off on the fly - not sure why. Maybe it's my subconscious taking a break. Who knows. The bad will be if tomorrow I don't jump back into it and write happily. We will see what tomorrow brings.
This morning I woke to a terrible situation. Yesterday afternoon I downloaded a program called TaskUnifier. It is a GTD program that allows you to implement the Getting Things Done organization system - to organize your life. For the last several months I have felt behind on everything. I have felt like I'm letting things slip through the cracks and I wanted to get everything rounded up, processed and put where it was supposed to be.
I tried GTD a year ago and absolutely loved it. But then I stepped back away from the business - just maintaining the status quo - and so I had no need in organizing my tasks. But now I'm wanting to write full time, study all kinds of different subjects for self-enrichment, double our business income in the next year or so, and I just can't keep all the bowling pins in the air. So I downloaded this program to straighten me out.
This was the problem I woke up to this morning. After spending all day yesterday getting my house in order, and the net result being 95 tasks entered into the program, I turned the program on this morning to an empty screen; my tasks were never saved! Good God @#$@#$@#!!!!
I hate computers. Well, not really.
So I made sure I could back up data, and re-tested the system to make sure it would save. So I spent the day re-entering all the tasks and then got started on them. It's so far working, because I actually got two or three tasks done for the business today that I have been wanting to do for months but just haven't gotten around to it. Interestingly enough, I also didn't watch a single tv show on my computer today. Check that out!
Oh. OH. OOOOHHH !!!!
I almost forgot to tell you. The best thing in the world happened to me today. I got my MP4 player in the mail! It is SOOOOOO good to be living my life in stereo again. I can't tell you how BORING my days have been working around the property with no music blaring in my ears. And the player I got, so far, its so much better than the previous one. This one is a Pyrus Electronics Mp3/4/5 Player. Here is the
link because I'm just good like that. This thing impressed the @#$ out of me. It powered right up, plugged it into my netbook and came up without software or anything. 4 gigs, plus it has a slot on it for mini cards [have one from my old phone], but haven't got it to work right yet.
The volume on this thing is INCREDIBLE! Plus it organized by tags, folders, etc. Plus it has a great shuffle - my last one wouldn't shuffle manually (meaning it had to do it, run through the song then skip, if you hit the next button it would go to the next song). This new one was supposed to play any video format I had. Well, of course, not true. It won't play mp4. Go figure. So I converted one of my Big Bang Theory shows to flv and it worked like a dream. Needless to say, tomorrow I will be converting several movies and tv shows to put on this bugger. May even consider converting any new downloaded programs to flv instead of mp4. But I have over 365 movies (yep, hit my target - now I have a different movie for each day of the year) and who knows how many tv shows I have. Not to mention hundreds of audio books, and I made quick work of loading my favorite music on the little bugger this evening [we're talking: Ozzy, Dave Matthews, Michelle Branch, Natalie Merchant; Avril Lavigne, John Mayer, Five for Fighting, etc.] Unfortunately the guy is a bit on the small side, so he doesn't really fit very well into my arm band. But I think I can make do.
And all for less than $40. What a deal.
Well, that's it for me.
Peace out. Word to your motha! Uh, I mean, see you later. ;-)