Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Grand of Words + A Bag of Hopes = My Dreams

Okay, now here is my nightly post on "writing" topics. Ya right. ;-) I jumped into the bag this morning, bright and early, and knocked out a whopping 400 words. I looked up and said, "Wow. I haven't done much today." But I was ready to quit for the day. Of course, I fail to mention that I turned my alarm off this morning at 5am and rolled back over and went to sleep. For some reason I feel like I'm not getting enough sleep at night, yet, I can't get my body to go to sleep any earlier at night. Go figure.

So I knuckled back down and kept writing. I came up for air a little while later and had 600+ words. Nope. Not good enough [even though my original goal was 500 words per day]. Back into the mine I went, shovel and axe-pick in hand, ready to work. I was struggling with a difficult vein this morning; Terrance and Karii talking out by the cemetery. It's awfully warm in Aurora, and I had no idea that was the case when I wrote the outline. I didn't know it until Karii opened the door and jumped down out of her semi truck and noticed it. It kind of shocked me, to tell you the truth. But knowing what I know about the peculiar situation she is in, I'm not the least bit surprised. But warm in Alaska - above the Arctic Circle?

Anyway, I finished the scene and took a deep breath before I checked the word count in OpenOffice. Yep. 1000+ words. Grand [no, not a grand as in money, grand, as in great!] Then I moved over to THE PREPARATION and started editing a scene with Yousef. It was the first place he appears in the story - I like him. And I like his fiance, Nora, too. I hope to do more with them in the sequel to THE PREPARATION.

I found a blog tonight that I really liked. It was Lisa Thibault Pietsch's site and I quite enjoyed some of her articles. She is a paranormal author [not sure yet if this is what I am, though my first book is pre-apocalypse pseudo-Christian and my second novel is about a young woman who starts to see ghosts of dead girls; I guess that is "other" than normal], but I haven't read any of her stuff yet. I do like her biz talk on books and publishing. So, I thought I would share.  

Well, I'm already in bed and it's late at night, which means it's TV time. It's Thursday, so there is lots to watch tonight. Going to start off with some Parks & Recreation, then work into some Community, followed up by The Big Bang Theory. Love that TV [well, I don't watch anything on an actual television anymore - so I would have to clarify - I love that Netbook!].

Until tomorrow..............

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